Jennifer Blocker Photo: Blog 2020-03-16T07:35:00Z (C) Jennifer Blocker Photo Jennifer Blocker Photo BACK to photography!!

Hello and happy April 2019,


I am in Phoenix, AZ and even though I am still a nurse I am a full time photography student working towards my certificate. :)! Yay.

it has been amazing to have been a nurse and after 32 full time hospital working years I'm eager to start a new chapter in my life. Nursing work will be on a part time, diminished hours schedule only. :) I always felt that working in hospitals was like being married to them, now I'd much rather only have the occasional "fling!" tee tee! :)

I'm nearing the end of my first semester and have really enjoyed both my photography and both of my drawing classes. We shot film and digital and drew life and inanimate objects.

I've added an album from my last time shooting, (the 2016 National Finals Pow Wow.) I will also add a film album now too. :)!!

Thank you,


Jennifer Blocker Photo (C) Jennifer Blocker Photo 2019-04-04T01:02:55Z 2019-04-04T01:02:55Z Easter time and Easter Bunny photos

How interesting to have the honor to shoot an Easter Eggstravaganza family event here at Fort Irwin!

It really was a great turnout and a good event. However, people wanted their pictures with the awesome Easter bunny we had and I learned a couple things.

1- There is a certain amount of shear terror that an age 8 to 18 month year old will feel for the bunny.

2- Bunnies need to sit lower or the kiddos need to stand in order to fit in the frame.

3- Don't forget your go to lens for an event like this, (it would've been so much nicer for me!)

4- Finally, double check your spelling in the watermark BEFORE you complete all the pictures. :)

I'm grateful for these awesome moms, dads and kiddos who trusted me to take their pictures for Easter this year, it was an honor knowing that many of them are far away from their homes and were looking forward to having pictures of their precious little ones to share. )

Humbly, thank you,


p.s. and I could not have done this without the AWESOME help of my neighbor Brent, who knew that I was very distracted about my mom being in the hospital and he helped turn around my pity party about missing my mom to be with other families, really put it into perspective.

Jennifer Blocker Photo (C) Jennifer Blocker Photo 2016-03-26T19:07:33Z 2016-03-26T19:07:33Z Happy Kitty

Yesterday was the local Easter eggstravaganza even where I live and I was lucky that I got to take the pictures for kiddos and folks with the Bunny.  Even though I am worried about my mom in the hospital back in Phoenix, (with all lobe pneumonia and a very nasty bug,) it was nice to do the photos.

I'm about to work on the shots as soon as my lightroom finishes uploading to my new All-in-one Asus computer.

In the meanwhile, here is a picture of Marco my cat after he rescued a ping bong out of the carton I put it in. :) Shortly after I took this cellphone shot, Marco also demolished the box!



Jennifer Blocker Photo (C) Jennifer Blocker Photo 2016-03-25T21:00:06Z 2016-03-25T21:00:06Z Real life window a/c


My neighbor graciously mentioned that he had an idea for my travel trailer to have good air conditioning. Since we are anticipating a particularly early and hot summer here and that the Mojave is already relentless with the heat I am grateful.

He had a couple of ideas and was looking out for me. When I told him I couldn't find an air conditioner in town, (we are out of season apparently,) He mentioned that he could find one near his home. He brought back a unit that is strong enough to cool twice my space AND it has a temperature control with auto shut off, "sweet!!"

Our schedules don't really coordinate and when he was able, I wasn't willing but today was A/C day. Brent, my neighbor, reconfigured my shoddy cinder block brick arrangement and made an interlocking brick base and stand which he trimmed some 2x4s in order to serves as verticle stabalizing rods inside the brick column. Next he positioned some more wood in order for the A/C unit to sit at the right level of my winder and screwed them together. He put the a/c in the window, insulated the open space with insulated foam and taped it down. Voila!!

It is very cool in here!!! Granted we already plan to augment this during the really hot season, as needed but, for now I am really good with this super effecient and cool set up!!

Thank you Neighbor Brent!

p.s. Oh yes, and Marco the cat LOVES it in here!!

Jennifer Blocker Photo (C) Jennifer Blocker Photo 2016-03-17T01:43:06Z 2016-03-17T01:43:06Z Nearly two months into full timing

Hello and happy near spring to you!

I'm over due for an update but have been enjoying the big sky out here as well as getting acclimated to my new job. Thankfully due to my "really not so isolated location," I've taken a weekend away in my short 10 weeks as a full timer. I took the local bus to Vegas, visited a friend for the night and then flew out to visit friends and loved ones in Portland, Oregon for a few days. It worked out so nicely I am going to visit friends in Vegas soon again too.

Vegas is only a couple hours drive away, as is LA and San Diego too for that matter.

However, my trip to Portland was just around my one month anniversary of full timing so I felt I needed to wait a few more weeks before I considered myself a true novice full timer. :)

It is going well, thank you to the helpful advice of my neighbor, and also hugely to his returning from his weekly trips home, (to civilization,) with advice and items to help my trailer situation.

Last weekend he did some recon and brought back an air conditioner that should fit in my window and he told me yesterday it also has an auto sensor to turn off, (important in a small trailer,) when it cools to the set temp!! I stacked cinder blocks outside the window to support it and we ought to get it set up relatively soon.

I'm working the midnight shift for my regular job and then will likely be on call for 10 days straight every month for my alternate duty at the hospital too. Since its cool this week, and I'm going out of town this weekend, we'll probably set it up next weekend.

What have I learned so far?

1- It is nicer than I anticipated. It is quieter than living in the hub of the city center here, and just that extra 500 meters to drive here feels like living in a campground with a slower pace, relaxing.

2- The local storage, (like a closet,) for $20. a month was worth it to use for the items I had stowed in my truck bed, it has my garage type items and also helps to keep my trailer storage space open and roomy. There is plenty of unused space here but, it helps when I need to move things around so I don't feel so crowded.

4- It is more convenient and nicer to use my own latrine system than it is to use the port-o-potties here!! I'm still using the P.E.T. system, (with the absorbant-enzymatic gelling powder, (waste in a bag.) I still have the "Pee-Wee" bags too and its much easier for me than messing with black water, odors and mess. However, the RV waste water dump site is close enough where I could use a portable system to collect to transport and dump but, I am getting settled without using that for now. Maybe when it is hotter and I set up my indoor shower systemthough, I could use that for the grey water.

5-I'm not cooking like I used to and I miss my own food. I have my ricer but, have been enjoying myself outdoors.

6- Oh! This is huge. I feel like the entire outdoors is my living room. Even though my trailer is 8x15 I have a gorgeous view out my windows and when I leave my 'bedroom' I am in the amazing open sky. Very nice.

So far, this feels like something that will be easier to do than I thought. I have downsized some more and my cat has plenty of space to move around and play in. He is also getting more exercise in this trailer than in the last place we lived. He has 7 levels of areas to climb up and jump around from and 4 hidey areas that he will play peek a boo from.

Today's picture is from the nearby Rainbow Basin area.

Jennifer Blocker Photo (C) Jennifer Blocker Photo 2016-03-08T22:18:52Z 2016-03-08T22:18:52Z Getting ready for summer already

I'm spending my time getting the trailer ready for summer. I'm very lucky my neighbor is an electrician who is willing to help me.

Since the Trillium is only wired for 10 amps total I am bypassing the trailer for heavy appliances, (like my oil radiator heater,) and plugging a heavy duty extension cord straight into the RV park power.

If I didn't mention it already, it is not frugal to use propane as a main heat source here so I'm not going to.

I'll have to put some insulation and also the shiny reflective insulation in all the windows and plan to get cammo netting for some wind resistant shade over the trailer too. Since it is reported to get to the hundreds here by April, I'm working on this already.

It is gorgeous here. Today's cellphone upload is from my walk yesterday at a nearby place called Owl Canyon in Rainbow basin.


Jennifer Blocker Photo (C) Jennifer Blocker Photo 2016-02-07T16:05:14Z 2016-02-07T16:05:14Z Settling in during winter in the Mojave desert

I reported in to my unit via my sponsor and am now stamped to look for housing, (usually a week.) Since it was such a cold surprise the first two nights without power I was/am strongly considering taking post housing.

However, if I do that, I lose $36,000.00 during my stay here if I am here for the planned 3 years. Safety comes first though, not comfort.

When the RV office opened on Tuesday at 10 am I made my way there and was very happy to realize the spot I'd been eyeing as I drove by for the last two days was recently available due to a contractor moving out!! Score!! Even though they only offer weekly parking with a month maximum there is one exclusion. Since I am a nurse and need to live close to work, all I need is a letter from my commander saying I am stationed here as a nurse and that gives the RV park permission to allow me to homestead here while stationed! Very nice!

Next my neighbor came home for supplies at lunch and he is a married contractor who knows RVs and electric and he gave me advice and helped me with my heater so I could get through another cold winter night. Thank goodness!!!

I was also very pleasantly surprised that the park does have clean port-a-potties throughout the park, that helps too.

Today I have to caulk all my trailer windows, batten down some hatches and get a few more things ready. I plan to check with housing to see if there is a deadline where I am able to get on post housing, just in case I get further into the year and feel it isn't viable for me and Marco to stay here. However, I do not want to take housing just out of convenience because this trailer is nice, I'm comfy in it, I'm never home anyway other than to sleep, I never have visitors and throwing away $36K just to have an apartment isn't attractive to me. :)

Todays pic is my new spot for my time here.

Jennifer Blocker Photo (C) Jennifer Blocker Photo 2016-02-03T14:03:55Z 2016-02-03T14:03:55Z Back track to the Arizona photo shoot

As I settled in for a very cold night I couldn't help but remember how nice, warm and sunny it was my last day in Arizona for my photo shoot with Armando Kimaya, (my furnace would not start, I'll make next entry back to the trailer.)

Armando and I shot in a beautiful place. It was a trade/test shoot with no pressure since we were just meeting each other. I'll share a link to one of the shots he took of me.

It was such a gorgeous place I took some quick shots while walking to our destination from the very crowded parking lot. I also asked Mando, (Mondo,) if I could take his picture too. He agreed and here is one I took of him. Wonderful photographer, I highly recommend him.

Jennifer Blocker Photo (C) Jennifer Blocker Photo 2016-02-03T13:51:13Z 2016-02-03T13:51:13Z January 31, Strong wind advisory and winter warning

I headed out of the warm Arizona weather in the morning and had a very pretty drive all the way to Needles via Rt 10 to 95 and once on I 40 the wind was very strong. The truck handled the trailer very well. The storm I'd hoped to miss was in sight, to the southwest, and to the direct west was a huge cloud of dust. This was the first time I ever saw this and it was impressive.

Driving was slow up the elevation and with the wind, thankfully the over the road semi drivers were keeping the pace. Again, this trailer is very aerodynamic and the truck was strong enough to haul it without any undue concern from me, at all.

Marco rode like a boss again, lucky me!

Just after getting off of I-40 I ran into some rain but the sun made a brief visit and a full rainbow literally had one of its ends directly on the road I was driving too. Nice sign.

I made it to the RV park on post here around 5 pm, they were closed for Sunday and Monday so I picked an overflow spot way on the end, with no hook up and got the trailer backing in just in time for a very cold rainstorm followed by strong wind. That storm I saw all day was powerful and apparently I'd been driving just ahead of it!

The first wave passed and I saw more sun, then a double rainbow! I jumped out to take a shot just before our second downpour of the night. Oh, it was a very windy night too. The trailer was swooshing and shaking like a carnival ride but, thankfully it is aerodynamic. I finally figured I was safe to go to sleep because there were about 50 other trailers here, (and one like mine.) I figured we might wake up in a slightly different space thank we parked but, this was it.

Jennifer Blocker Photo (C) Jennifer Blocker Photo 2016-02-03T13:44:21Z 2016-02-03T13:44:21Z Kitty, have ping pong ball and its kitty raquetball!

Hello today.

This is my last full day in AZ this trip before I head on.

Yesterday my Mom and Auntie came to visit me and see the trailer. It was nice that all three of us, (and kitty,) could fit in here without being cramped.

While they were here a group of RV park residents, (with a snow-birder,) came over to say they used to have a Trillium. He showed some photos of his and a friends Trillium too, nice! He also said that he was always amazed at how large they are inside. I agree.

Also, my Mom and Aunt got to meet my neighbors here at Desert Shadows, RV park and went to a Root Beer Float social. It was fun, Western day yesterday.

Today's pic is my Mom and Marco. This morning Marco just finished his game of kitty ping pong ball batting. It works much better in the trailer than it did at my last place because the ball doesn't get lost and he bats it around, (ping, ping, pong, schweww!)

This morning I have a photo shoot with a local photographer and I need to get ready now, we are going to a pretty place and I look forward to being outside.

Jennifer Blocker Photo (C) Jennifer Blocker Photo 2016-01-30T13:05:35Z 2016-01-30T13:05:35Z Phoenix mountain range

Gosh I really like hiking here! Just enough elevation to be a real workout but, it is mixed with some well done trails and other paths to walk around a near 6 mile loop too. I've gone twice so far. Met some really nice ladies and had a good exercise too. Lots of sun in this Valley.

Jennifer Blocker Photo (C) Jennifer Blocker Photo 2016-01-29T15:15:33Z 2016-01-29T15:15:33Z New use of space for bottom bunk

I found a super blowout sale at a furniture store in Glendale, AZ and picked up a shelf unit for $29.00. Its sturdy enough to support the top bunk but, it is about two inches taller than I was looking for.

I am using it to hold my clothes' tubs, (hoping to keep the Mojave dust out of my clothes. Also, I put two kitty trees behind them to give the cat a clubhouse. He certainly seems find in the trailer space and not frazzled at all.

These little hefty tubs are handy. I realize I may as well get a couple more because I can line a few in my closet. Great for portability and also to keep dust, scorpions and tarantulas out of my things!


Jennifer Blocker Photo (C) Jennifer Blocker Photo 2016-01-29T15:13:42Z 2016-01-29T15:13:42Z Jan 26th in Phoenix, AZ

The days are warm and sunny and the nights just cool enough to need some heat. However my new propane only lasted for three overnights, and on the "lo" setting.

My neighbor here at the park showed me the soapy water in the spray bottle to see if there were leaks and sure enough, there was a small one found immediately just where the tank connects to the trailer. Since my space heater is working just fine, and I was used to not having a range to cook on I decided to leave it for now, (maybe for longer too.) I used a ricer, crock pot and microwave as well as hot plate. No urgent rush. Especially after having gotten a good whiff of propane from that day we discovered it.

While in Glendale looking for a refurbished appliance store to purchase knobs for the range though I found the pic for this post. Bright and lovely flowers.


Jennifer Blocker Photo (C) Jennifer Blocker Photo 2016-01-29T15:09:41Z 2016-01-29T15:09:41Z Cool cat

For the last 1500 + miles Marco the cat has proven his coolness.

In this picture you cannot see his harness but it is a neck collar and body collar which are attached to disperse the force. He rides shotgun and likes his seat fully reclined so he can get his lean on. At my lunchtime stops he'd get his lunch too.

Jennifer Blocker Photo (C) Jennifer Blocker Photo 2016-01-25T14:55:09Z 2016-01-25T14:55:09Z Full time now, settling into trailer life

Even with travel it has now been nearly a week of launching into full time trailer life. Marco the cat an I have actually been RV'ing at the same location now for the last three nights and it is starting to feel like home. Nice!

I'm making small modifications to the trailer and starting to unpack and move some things in.

While visiting my dad he offered to let me use some of his storage to offload any items I didn't need to bring with to California, (AWESOME.) This allowed me to empty half of the truck bed items. Sweet!

Next I purchased a set of short curtains so my bulk and stern windows would match and then my starboard and port side little curtains already match. I converted my bed and couch situation into a permanent C-type section so I don't have to change it every day.

So good to start settling in, albeit for the week.

A funny thing is that I really enjoy this trailer being so small and easy to tow. Here at the RV park, (which is a nice one, not too posh, not trashy at all,) there are huge rigs, smaller rigs, travel trailers and permanent mobile homes. My trailer is definitely the smallest one here but its gotten a couple of sweet comments. I've overheard some cute comments as people walk by and bet if I parked it closer to the sidewalk instead of tucking it in like I did, more folks could see. I tucked it back to where the larger trailer would've gone in order to allow room for my parents to park to come and visit.

Jennifer Blocker Photo (C) Jennifer Blocker Photo 2016-01-25T14:50:40Z 2016-01-25T14:50:40Z Finally stopping for a week vacay in Phoenix

Landed at my midpoint travel destination to visit my parents and Auntie!

Here in lovely sunny AZ! There is a big storm taking over the East coast and it has shut down my former town and thank goodness I missed it. I hope everyone is safe and warm. Here is a picture of some sunnyness!

Jennifer Blocker Photo (C) Jennifer Blocker Photo 2016-01-25T14:43:00Z 2016-01-25T14:43:00Z Travel day four on Jan 23

I am adding a couple updates at the same time.

Day four travel was amazing. I drove out of Grants, NM and headed west on I-40. My only goal was to get to Phoenix and to avoid Flagstaff en route so I took the 377 out of Holbart, AZ to the 277.

The drive through the Tonto National Forest was such an amazing surprise and completely worth it!! I drove slower than the anticipated 5 hours due to my own personal soft limits for driving, (I drive about 60-65 max or 25,000 rpms on my vehicle, whichever comes first.) Pure beauty up there at 5, 875 ft elevation.

While at the peak I noticed a Bald Eagle flying towards me, not too high above my truck, he/she took a look back at me. At first I though, "Wow, amazing, golly, to see one flying so low." Later as I drove to lower altitude did I realize that the Eagle wasn't flying low, I was driving up in his atmosphere!

Marco the cat, again, proved that he is very cool!

Picture is from just into the Arizona border from NM. OMG, New Mexico, truly is Enchanted! Thank goodness there are signs for "Safety Corridor" because it is so beautiful no doubt everyone is looking!

Jennifer Blocker Photo (C) Jennifer Blocker Photo 2016-01-25T14:40:25Z 2016-01-25T14:40:25Z Three nights in and three days travel down.

Launched into full timing and into my cross country relocation for work on the 19th the other day. The trailer hauls nicely.

The first night I stayed in a Petro in Little Rock, Arkansas and was very safe, (noisy but safe.) It was at very busy section with a Flying J and a Loves so there were lots of trucks. Gotta say I am seriously impressed with over the road truck drivers!

The second night I paid to stay in an RV park just off the highway in Mclean, Texas but, still hadn't worked out my furnace or shore line so planned to do it overnight style. It seemed nice enough, until it rained. Since the grounds were grassy ground and I didn't want to be stuck in the morning I moved up to the gas station that owned it. More trucks, lots of wind, and cold. Still, okay.

Third night I decided to stay in a Good Sam RV Park, (Lavaland in Grants, NM.) How awesome, nice warm, large bathroom and showers, friendly and helpful staff. The attendant helped me work out my shoreline and furnace. Nice and toasty in here in spite of the -9 overnight temps. When I went to the nearby Walmart to get propane I thanked my stars that I went the half mile to Lava land RV park because it was worth it to me.

Things I've learned:
My cat is very cool, he travels like a boss, knows when to jump in and warm up the sleeping bag, isn't scared of any trucks, (or even when I left him in the trailer after bedding down for the night, and drove it across a bumpy field to get to the parking lot!) Yes, Marco is a boss!

Although on the 18th I got so ill I would've went to the ER if I had the energy but, I'm very happy that the flu, (or e-coli) or whatever I got sidelined with since the 18th has finally lifted. It took a lot out of me but, regaining some strength too.

Oh, I forgot to add that I am also very happy to have a stove again! I hand't had one in over 8 months because of living in single rooms and motels. Very cool.

Picture taken yesterday between Laguna Pueblo and Tacoma Pueblo in New Mexico.

Jennifer Blocker Photo (C) Jennifer Blocker Photo 2016-01-22T13:49:38Z 2016-01-22T13:49:38Z T-2

Marco the cat got his micro chip yesterday. Not only is it wise in case he gets lost but it is required in order for him to live, (in the RV park with me, ) on post.

In spite of having down sized several times I have too much stuff. Now that it is load up time I can tell I need to spend some more time downsizing, again!  Good will donations here I come again!

The small mildew area in the fiberglass trailer responded well to the bleach water spray/wipe off and fresh air the day before.


Jennifer Blocker Photo (C) Jennifer Blocker Photo 2016-01-17T11:40:55Z 2016-01-17T11:40:55Z T-3

T-3 days now until drive off time.

The truck got some new tie rods, brakes, alignment and mufflers. Thank you SOOO much to the Meineke auto in Clarksville. They really did a great job at keeping me safe. Not only that but, the gave me a great price. They are a wonderful ma and pa operation and the nearby Enterprise rental treated me super great too, pick up and drop off service.

My final clear from the hospital and post here was this week and yesterday I got down to business cleaning out the inside of the trailer.

It rains a lot here, there was some dampness and a little mildew inside my fiberglass trailer so I opened everything up, moved cushions and cleaned off with a bleach-water solution. Probably more bleach than required but, I was on a mission.

I chose to get rid of the foam topper mattress and sheets since they weren't washed and there was a bit of mildew on the edges. I'm also going to leave the bottom bunk as cushion-less and use throw pillows to sit on. This is in order to use it as added floor space, (a split level for the cat.) The storage space under the bunk has a little drawer area and an open spot. Marco uses a top intry littler box and I can place it there.

If you are curious about the bathroom for me, I'll tell next. I'll wish you a good day now so you can sign off if you don't want to read this!

                                                                                      --------- sign off if you don't want to read -------

Okay, so, I'm going to use the PET system, which is dry, (uses a biodegrading enzyme and solidifying agent which permits you to dispose of your waste in a bag into any rubbish bin.)  I was really interested in dry composting toilets before moving to Alaska and even more so after, (plumbing is a luxury for those who live where the soil can support it and there is a network to flush into. Although contaminating perfectly good water bothers me too since it isn't an endless supply.

However I will wait until I get settled at the new place before choosing the composting system. For now, its waste in a bag and pee wee bags. If you cannot picture this I'll share the link here.  As a nurse, I think this would be awesome to use in bedside commodes instead of just the bucket!

First choice though, use available restrooms if there is one.

Poo powder

Toilet in a bag

Back to cleaning and personalizing my trailer today!


Jennifer Blocker Photo (C) Jennifer Blocker Photo 2016-01-16T13:32:55Z 2016-01-16T13:32:55Z T - 12 days Picked up the Trillium trailer and towed it. First time to tow.

Picked up the trailer today.

It was my first time to tow.

The trailer was light and the truck could handle her easily. Truck was clearly made to tow. On the way to get it I felt like the wind was blowing me around but, pulling the Trillium back was solid. 140 miles, including highway and through Nashville with traffic, (not bad.)

First Mr. Randy Bishop and his wife helped me put in the hitch and then he gave me a microwave for inside, nice. When I had a hard time working the door handle and lock he went through all of his to find one that fit and exchanged it right there. Thanks!

I noticed they had the trailer made up inside, nice and clean, with fresh linens and a pillow, nice touch!!

When I got home to the motel where I am staying the owner here helped me to figure out how to back it up and get it parked safely.


It was also really nice to know that my cat was okay. This morning before I left I accidentally punched him in the nose. Actually, he decided to get curious and sniff towards my  breakfast shake just as I was vigorously shaking  it in the mixer. I clocked him hard. Surely I broke his nose! Poor guy! 1978 Trillium 4500


Jennifer Blocker Photo (C) Jennifer Blocker Photo 2016-01-07T23:49:26Z 2016-01-07T23:49:26Z T - 16 days

Sixteen days left until Marco the cat and I hit the road. Today I almost got a camper shell for my truck but, sadly, it doesn't have the third brake light that I'd need for my year and make of truck.

Likely this is why it was such a great price but, getting pulled over is not worth it. I'll keep looking. In the meanwhile, here is a picture of my tow vehicle. Its a 2000 Ford F150 Work Series Triton V8 4x4.

Jennifer Blocker Photo (C) Jennifer Blocker Photo 2016-01-03T12:47:20Z 2016-01-03T12:47:20Z Moving to SoCal in Fiberglass RV

Thanks to Mr. Randy Bishop of I have a new to me refurbished 1978 Trillium fiberglass RV that I will move into and travel across country to the Mojave Desert.

My cat and I will begin our full time journey within three weeks.

On New Year's Eve I got my new to me tow vehicle and we'll see how things go!

Here are some cellphone shots.

Happy New Year!


Jennifer Blocker Photo (C) Jennifer Blocker Photo 2016-01-02T12:34:16Z 2016-01-02T12:34:16Z Track team


Training in Montgomery Alabama. Last month I had the pleasure and honor to meet some amazing teens who are training under my previous running coach, (from 1980.) He is Coach Kevin Madden. Running takes strength, endurance, heart and soul and while its something done alone is also competitive and pulls from internal strength of mind.

While taking pictures and visiting with this team I showed them how to Lele as encouragement and cheers from across the track for each other to be distinctive. Here is a silly video by a young woman comedienne where she does a skit on teaching how to lele

Cheers to this team and congrats to the coach! Album here:

lelelele! :)




Jennifer Blocker Photo (C) Jennifer Blocker Photo 2015-07-03T14:16:38Z 2015-07-03T14:16:38Z